Shamir Brown, first vice president of the Jamaica Association of Local Government Officers (JALGO), has been elected to the executive of the Jamaica Confederation of Trade Unions (JCTU) in the capacity of a vice president.

Brown was elected at the congress event of the CONFED, where he is now set to represent the membership of JALGO and by extension, the workers in Jamaica, for the next three years. Brown said he looks forward to his new role and responsibilities.
“This is something that I have looked forward to since I became a trade unionist and I hope that the experience garnered will further build my efforts in seeking to secure the rights of workers in Jamaica” he stated.
Further to that, JALGO used the opportunity to congratulate Shamir on being elected to the post and called on him to ensure that he brings the same level of representation that has been demonstrated in his efforts within the union.
“We wish him well during his tenure and we know he will continue in the footsteps of our own General Secretary, Helene Davis Whyte, who served as president of the CONFED but has since demitted office during the Congress”.